No.4 従事官南龍翼(壷谷)五言律詩・七言律詩
- 使行年 西暦1655年
- 制作者 南龍翼
- 形態 紙本墨書(掛軸装)
- 制作年代 明暦元年・西暦1655年
- 寸法 縦55.6cm×横99.2cm
Over the path for descent of the shenxian* living in the heavenly realms, the sun has set and darkness fallen, the wind is whipping and waves are crashing on the open sea. As if awaking, by way of a connection to Buddhism, to the relation of cause and effect, composing a poem can only be accomplished with experiences of the past. As I sit gazing out at lantern light flickering upon the spray of the waterfall, I am felled by the sandman. Though travelers cannot stay in this place for long, oh, how my heart is moved by the brilliant moonlight. And yet, there is nothing I can do to remain.
We passed this temple at dawn, but have not yet had the time to look around. How I envy the fourth mission for their ability to compose poems. I shall compose another poem at left.
While almost dawn, the sky is still a faint black, and visitors to the temple have not yet climbed up its staircase. A few priests stand outside Seikenji’s gate with their arms crossed. In the haze of my dreaming, I can hear the clear sound of stone scraping upon stone, and can see stars flickering toward the edge of the grove. This place is near mountains where snow falls; time passes quickly, and the waves of Suruga Bay greet the dawn. I longed to visit Seikenji on the return trip from Edo, wishing to feel the truth. To first calm my emotions, I opt not to climb the tower for now, but rather to stay on the ground.
*Shenxian: A Taoist immortal.
밤에 청견사를 지나며
제천의 길에 해 떨어지자 바람이 큰 바다 파도를 뒤집는다.
불법의 인연은 비로소 맺었을 지나 시구로 지나간 일을 기록하였네.
폭포는 등불에 비쳐 날고 포단에는 졸음이 많은데
나그네 걸음 머물 수 없어 밝은 달빛은 어찌할 거나.
가던 길 새벽에 이 절을 지나가면서 두루 관람할 겨를이 없었는데, 시를 지어 한탄을 기록하였으므로 언급하였고, 그대로 아래에 수록한다.
지척의 제천에 객은 못 오르고 문 앞에는 손 맞잡은 중 두셋.
꿈속에 희미하게 맑은 풍경 들리고 숲 끝에 깜빡깜빡 새벽 등불 보이는데,
설산에 가까운 곳이라 가을은 쉬 늙고 양곡에 이어진 물 해가 먼저 떠오른다.
돌아갈 때 진경 찾는 계획 이루어 높은 다락 제 일층에 상쾌하게 기대려네.
을미 중동 호곡 등초