No.42 騎船将卞璞(述斎)五言律詩
- 使行年 西暦1763年~1764年
- 制作者 卞璞
- 形態 紙本墨書
- 制作年代 明和元年・西暦1764年
- 寸法 縦33.5cm×横54.0cm
As if a part of the three sacred mountains of the eastern sea, the land of Seikenji continues on the horizon of sea and sky. The view from this Zen temple has long been beautiful, and serves as a place where our mission stops briefly. The poems composed here are, in and of themselves, products of a bygone era, but the spring flowers bloom as they always have, and the sadness of our journey overflows in the evening glow. Strolling through the grounds, the sadness felt in parting wells up within me, and I wonder what can possibly be done now about these feelings of grief.
청견사에서 앞의 운을 사용하여
땅은 삼신산의 경계에 접하였고
하늘이 만리 파도에 낮은데,
선가는 원래 경치 빼어나
사자로 나그네 잠시 거쳐 지나니,
시상으로는 봄꽃이 있고
나그네 시름 석양이 좋구나.
배회하다 도리어 작별이 아쉬어
서글픔을 다시 어찌하리.
갑신 모춘 동화 술재 변박 탁지 급히 지음. [인] 술재,변박,탁지