No.44 伴人洪善輔(黙斎)七言絶句
- 使行年 西暦1763年~1764年
- 制作者 洪善輔
- 形態 紙本墨書
- 制作年代 明和元年・西暦1764年
- 寸法 縦36.0cm×横46.0cm
This Seikenji is said to be close to Eishū, one of the sacred mountains of the eastern sea, which run from point to point far into the distance. Since the days of old, it has been a place where the shenxian come. As the sky cleared while we were taking shelter from the rain, a mission arrived here once again. The view of the great sea before our eyes feels as if it cleanses from my eyes the dust and dirt of our long travels.
주인상인이 삼사에게 바친 시운을 따라
선루가 아스라이 영주 가까이에 있어서
예로부터 신선이 이곳에 노닐었지.
묵은 비 막 개이자 사람이 다시 와서
만리 창파로 먼지에 찌든 눈을 씻노라.
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